Bulc Club

150,000+ Email Addresses and 100,000+ Mailserver Domains Rated and Blocked

Press June 18, 2020

150,000+ Email Addresses Rated and Blocked

As of June 18, 2020, Bulc Club Members have now rated and blocked over 150,000 email addresses and more than 100,000 domains.

100,000+ Mailserver Domains Rated and Blocked

What does this mean to you?

As you know, each time a Member clicks the Block Address or Block Domain button, it increases the Member Rating for that sender’s email address or domain. Once the rating gets above 50%, all mail sent to Members from that sender through Bulc Club email forwarders is automatically held in a queue for thirty days rather than delivered to the Members’ inboxes*. After thirty days, it’s automatically deleted. This unique process makes it so all Members benefit from an individual Member’s interaction, making it less work for everyone.

* Note: Members who want to receive queued email from senders with high ratings can individually override the Member Rating by switching the option from Use Rating to Allow Address or Allow Domain in the Member Console.

Bulc Club unveils the original sender's email address and domain to help you instantly identify spoofing or phishing emails.

Bulc Club unveils the original sender’s email address and domain to help you instantly identify spoofing or phishing emails.

This is just a simplified version of how explicit blocks affect the Bulc Club Member rating, however the algorithm also factors in inherent blocks, implicit blocks, number of ratings, and number of overrides to determine the likelihood that a sender is a spammer. The constant flow of data and Member interaction not only makes Bulc Club self-regulating and less prone to error, but it also makes us the strongest, most cutting-edge spam blocker in the world.

This momentous milestone was only possible because our Members have decided that they’re tired of relying on the traditional methods of spam-blocking and have chosen to harness the power of a community, determined to rid the world of spam and bulkmail, forever. Bulc Club has also helped our Membership to protect their identity and privacy and achieve Inbox Zero.

Are you tired of receiving spam? Join the Club! It’s 100% Free.

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