Bulc Club is the world’s first social network with the mission of ridding the world of spam forever.
But rather than sharing status updates or photos of cats and food, we’re sharing ratings of email addresses and domains. These ratings are continually refined by our members to ensure that only those with low spam scores are delivered to inboxes.
Traditionally, you receive unsolicited email, block the sender, and hopefully never hear from them again. As a member of Bulc Club, there’s an entire social network marking, blocking and filtering senders for you. Imagine our membership grows to one million people. Theoretically, if every member blocks only one unique sender, one million spam messages will be filtered out of your—and everybody’s—inbox. More members means stronger ratings and less work for everyone. That’s the power of our social network and the heart of Bulc Club.
And because we hold social networking responsible for our growth and successes, it’s time we give back to our friends, followers, retweeters, sharers, pinners, linkers, grammers, and members.