Reprinted Article: Originally published on on April 13, 2018, and titled "Znalazłem doskonałe narzędzie do walki ze spamem", by Grzegorz Ułan. This article is reprinted with permission by Grzegorz Marczak and translated by Marcin Jeske. (Thank you!)
For me it’s a bit too late. I’m subscribed to many newsletters and my email address is used for countless test accounts. So my Gmail spam folder fills up with hundreds of new messages every day. But those of you still free of this problem may be able to avoid it, using a new service that provides free protection against spam in your personal mailbox.
Bulc Club is an intermediary for your private mailbox, used to screen correspondence from mailing lists or websites where you have an account.
How does it work? When creating an account on the site, you are asked to create a username, which will also be the address of your go-between mailbox. Choose something simple and easy to remember. All of your (unlimited) email forwarders will now end with @your-
From now on, when creating an account on a website, you do not need to provide your private email address, but just a new alias followed by For example, when setting up a Facebook account, you can provide an address like Thanks to this, all correspondence from Facebook or from its partners to whom they provided your address, will forward through Bulc Club. You do not need to create each new alias on the service’s website, it will be created automatically the first time you use it. Testing this service, I sent an email from my personal inbox addressed to a made-up alias and the email was forwarded through Bulc Club back to my private inbox.
Of course, you do not have to go to the website every time and check if something new has come since this correspondence will also go to your private mailbox. Bulc Club also prevents the sender from knowing your actual address, protecting your privacy.
If you get a lot of such correspondence, you can conveniently manage it directly in the Bulc Club web interface, where you can filter the display of all messages by sender, address, domain, forwarder, or subject and collectively block spam (based on address or domain of the sender). This ensures it will never find its way to your inbox again. In the web interface you will also find a tab with statistics about your account; for instance, the number of messages blocked based on your settings or due to the high rating of the sender by Bulc Club Members.
What is significant with this solution (providing email addresses in a format that includes the name of the website) is that it allows you to judge whether the site uses your address only for correspondence with you or if they share it with other entities.
Hate Spam? Join Bulc Club! It’s 100% Free!
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